Images are an effictive form of communication and the anchor of web design.

 Jay Clendenin
 Eric Grigorian
 Nancy Pastor
 Corey Rich
 Mark Mirko

Photo Stories
Morro Bay, CA
Touring Spain
This cello scroll was made by David Folland of Northfield, MN.


An image speaks.
Can it also reason?

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archidictus is designed and maintained by nicholas friedenberg, copyright 2004-2006



The word "archidictus" is latin for eloquent or well-spoken. So many people put themselves in one of two categories: analytical or creative. Have more fun and get both sides of your brain involved; ideas need wings and presentation needs content. is my own attempt to bring science and design together for effective communication. Feedback and contributions are welcome.

Nicholas Friedenberg is an evolutionary ecologist at Dartmouth College in Hanover, NH. His research explores three distinct foci -life history evolution, niche evolution, and the ecology of pests and pathogens. is listed on for web and flash design.

Nicholas Friedenberg is a Preferred Vendor in the Hanover, New Hampshire Web Design Firms Directory at is listed in the DMOZ directory under evolutionary ecology.